Drawing and Painting
Drawing on a Wednesday. 2019
It's now lunchtime. I am sitting eating spinach and ricotta cheese tortellini, sharing a table with fast speaking French men in an Italian restaurant.
My Hackney Holiday
Reaching out for knowledge is a funny thing. It would be good if by doing so the image of yourself stayed the same. But it doesn’t.
Daubers Trip Feb 2017
So for me it seems everything needs a reason to be, a reason to do. I have a ridiculous work ethic, I think because I just enjoy it, or I have so much I want to do.
Whether to paint mountains. 2017
The writing seems to be in a poem form but I am not trying to be a poet here. It's just as it comes, in part shaped by the space at the edge of the paper.
Drawing 2017
Oh drawing I have missed you. You are the best of who I am. You are kind, not short, not irritated.
Have a word. 2017
You are hard and sometimes cruel but with you I am the best that I can be.
Drawing from life 2016
Drawing from life, an unconscious reaction to form - written in the life room today 13th June 2016
Time and colour
A sociable time with girlfriends, spent talking, my head filled with chat and restaurants and drinking and tapas and leisure and hangovers and late nights and fireworks.
A Pepper Painter
Tuesdays pepper drifts into Wednesday's and Thursday's. Never before have I sat for three days and looked at a pepper changing colour.
Sculpting like a painter
Anish Kapoor says that he is a ' painter working as a sculptor '. I think I would like to be a painter.
Paintworks 08
I wanted to document some of the ideas, thoughts and inspirations that were going around in my head as I led up to the show at Paintworks 08.