A studio is a solitary place, a silent place , the best days here have two hands in clay, play is visceral in its intensity, but stories float about, images of what it is to be human are found in lumps of mud, people emerge, look left, fall in love, grip another’s hand, rest a thumb tenderly against a cheek, sit thigh to thigh. Or stand with a sister or sit with a mother or rest quietly on their own holding Spring.
The studio is a place of thought
I absolutely love being on my own in the studio, I would turn hours to weeks to months to insanity and not notice, and still want more, but I absolutely love people and to welcome them into my space to say, hello, this is me, now, here.
This is who I am.
This may be a tidied, slightly more curated version of me but then, who doesn’t want to show themselves in the best light with clean shoes and the washing up done.
Studio address
Unit 65, Regent Studios, 8 Andrews Road, Hackney, London, E8 4QN
Opening hours for the Open Studio are
Friday 6th December 10am to 5pm
Saturday 7th December 10am to 5pm
Sunday 8th December 10am to 5pm
Part of the E8 Arts and Crafts Trail
I am also running a few events over the weekend.
Open Studio Preview
Thursday 5th December 6-9pm
Join me for a special evening preview of my open studio show including some new pieces and works in progress, drop in any time between 6-9pm and have a glass of wine.
Artist Talks
Saturday 7th December 3pm
Sunday 8th December 3pm
Join us at 3pm to hear Carol talk about her work, how it is made and her inspirations no need to book, just turn up.